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New to the Sims and Livin' Large? Or sick of picking up potato chip bags and going to work every ding-dang day, with no variety in your routine? No doubt you're wondering how to get your Sims naked. You see ther little modesty scramble each time they go to the toilet or take a shower or climb into the Heart-Shaped bed, but you're probably dying to know what's underneath. And you don't care about your Sim's privacy any more -- after all, you know what they're eating, drinking, thinking, and doing, every minute of every living day, so you feel you have a right to know. GETTING READY: Find a Sim who really wants a shower! He doesn't have to be dirty-minded, just dirty! You need him to want to go in the tub or shower willingly, and then spend a fairly long time in their jacking up his hygiene points. Otherwise, you won't have enough time to film him. 
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Gayton steps into the jacuzzi. A safer bet than the hot tub, Sims always get undressed to step into the bath or jacuzzi. Academicians have convened to help you GET AND KEEP YOUR SIMS NAKED without using any user-designed skins that could mess up your game or create headaches for you while you try to get Unzip Wizard to work on zipped files, or you try to hunt for the folder where the downloaded skins should go in. Do it the Siminalist way! STEP 1: MOO your Sims. Go to the cheat box by pressing ctr-alt-shift-c all at once and you'll get a grey box. Type move_objects on -- and don't forget the underscore and the "on" and then press "enter". The move your cursor down into the control panel to get rid of the arrows and make it stop cruising all over your screen. This will enable you to move your Sim around into different poses. More importantly, it will take your Sim out of situations like bathing or fights or the Heart bed in which he or she is naked. STEP 2: Find the situation (taking a shower, stepping into the jacuzzi or hot tob) to put the Sim in, put him in it, then go up to MOO, go into "Buy" mode, click on the little hand, and move your Sim out of the situation on to the lawn, or some place far enough away from the object where he was, so he won't get right back into it.

Gayton relaxes in the jacuzzi why Gayson makes dinner. Catch him and MOO him now before he hops out! 
Gayton was MOO'd out of the jacuzzi and put down on the lawn. He continues to make washing motions. 
Out of the jacuzzi, buck naked and relaxed on the lawn. 
Many Sims stay in their swimsuits when they go into the hot tub. Apparently it's related to the number of their "outgoing" points. And if the first one gets in with his swimsuit, all the others who follow will do the same. But MOO them out of the hot tub and you'll get some interesting poses. STEP THREE: NOW what? You got your Sims naked, so put them together, move them around, lay them on the ground, and let them go at it! Sims washing in showers or tubs or sitting in jacuzzis are one promising avenue for post-naked activity as they will make lots of rubbing and washing motions. We'll save the real dope on what happens in the Heart bed for after 11:00 p.m. tonight. STEP 4: Go to the wardrobe box or have a swim so that you have your Sims in bathing suits. That's what we'll do for the purposes of this PG-rated page, but after you've found some drawn skins on the Internet, you'll want to come back to this Vogue step. "Voguing" means freezing your game, stopping the action when they are in a certain pose, and then using MOO to put them in another environment or context. Example: they're just walking down a hill, or getting ready to sit down in a chair, you vogue them and put them with another Sim. 
One day Gayton was walking downhill when he ran into Gayrison, who had been dancing to the radio. |
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Unlike you, when a Sim thinks "bed," it usually means he's just plain pooped out. And if he dreams "bed," that means he's not in a restful-enough bed for his age and income bracket. Well, we'll just have to disappoint you: even if you could figure out the cmx edits to get rid of the scramble without screwing up your game, you wouldn't find anything except a body stocking underneath Bella's plunging-neckline hot red dress or the social worker's prim brown tweed suit. What you have to do is go out there on the Internet and look for "skins," covers to your existing Sims, which in fact are merely user drawings of the birthday suits that Nature intended. So go and do that by following the BBS discussions and pressing on the fan site links at www.thesims.com. But MEANWHILE... 
Sims always keep their clothes on when they meet, greet, talk, flirt, dance, and do all that other good stuff. You're not going to change that. You have to let them be. 
Once Sims get up past 50 relationship points, with compliment-talk-joke and get into flirt-dance-hug-rub shoulders, they will get to passionate kiss mode and the tacky 30s movie music will rise up in the bg. But don't interrupt their smooching and expect them to take off their clothes for YOUR benefit! 
Some actions of the Sims just don't make for very interesting poses when they are vogued, as you can see when the Gay Frat Boys assemble by the Roman Sims pillars. 
"Replant" when your flowers die offers a pose opportunity that can be vogued into the right hot setting. 
The fight ball offers the most intriguing poses imaginable. Did you ever peek at what's going on under those soap bubbles?! 
A terrible, knock-down, drag-out, Sim fight after you've MOO'd the Sims out of their fight ball. 
A veritable Kama Sutra lies in wait under the fight ball. 
Vicious fight! Remember, it's 1) freeze in a fight or sitting down or doing something; 2) move_objects on and return then buy mode 3) move into a new setting. 
We don't remember how we did this anymore. Maybe it was after two Sims ran around the house until they were all in. 
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