Say, it's only a game! But some people get pretty PO'd if you tell them they don't "fit" in the Academy! They ought to be flattered! Because that means they are excellent object-creators, skin-designers, and artists -- and we aren't. We're bozos. We're dummmies. How do you tell if you're Siminalist rather than Maxisalist? Well, it's a tendency toward art for art's sake; or a tendency toward exquisite beauty without content, or trying to make the Sims *look like real life as much as possible*. Alternatively, it amounts to slavish emulation of a thousand fantasy/role-playing/shoot -em up games out there already. But hey, who's to decide what's *real life,* folx? Chacon on se vkus. Here's a good example of why we need to have *rules* to make sense on this planet. The work of Indian. Storyline -- your basic Siminalism, actually. Pictures -- to die for! Look at Indian's garage in "The Moore Family Album." MMYOI! We love it! How did he get the floor to segue toward the pick-up trip so seamlessly? Where did that sports poster come from? And what is that object with a flag or towel on it in the lower left-hand corner? Rich, deep. Then compare to cafitz1's garage from "Gay Frat Boys." Spare. Dry. No depth. Note the ironic use of the $875 Athena from Klassic as a simile for a punching-bag. The trashcan looms from the background as a singular statement of quality. Voila! Siminalism! (She did make one mistake vis-a-vis the canons of Siminalism. Can you tell what it is?!)
Indian's famous garage in her Moore Family. | |
cafitz's garage |
On the left, we see The Captain's Family by siggyb2too, wonderfully too-pink bathroom walls with fascismile toilet paper drafted right onto the wall. Pretty, but not Siminalism, my friend. On the right, we see siggyb2too has rescued his work from utter rejection by Siminalism by his clever use of the simile "fish tank" for the "old fishing hole" -- get it?
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So you see? There's Siminalism. There's Maxisalism. And all the numerous other isms and combinations in this naked city, especially if you MOO the Sim in the bathtub and then put him on the lawn instead of risking one of those hard-to-dl user naked "sex covers," as our Russian Sim fanatics call them. Don't burn down Party Committees! Build you own! |