1. Has anyone in your family or among your friends
or co-workers said to you lately, "Your sims are more important to you than me!"
2. Have you clicked on your children repeatedly and wondered why they didn't
go to bed when prompted, or go to eat by themselves at the table?
3. Have you bought a second...a third...a fourth copy of TSO in recent weeks?
4. Have you gotten up to go to the bathroom in the last 5 hours or did you think
because your Sim went to the bathroom that you don't have to go?
5. Do you find yourself executing right-turns when you throw out your garbage
IRL, or sweeping up your hands and waiting for lightning to come out when you see a broken light bulb in your home?
6. Have you caught yourself talking to someone IRL and used the expression "in
real life," i.e. "But I talked to him IRL yesterday..."
7. Have you bought the expensive orchid yet? Have you made a glassed-in display
booth or greenhouse for it? *Are you waiting for it to bloom???*
8. Have you stayed home from work or school so that you could re-build your lot
or up your spot on the top 100 list or trail some other Sim as a new, stealth Sim? Hey, just how many stealth Sims do you
9. Do you find that even after playing for 10 hours, while your eyes are tired
and you feel burned out instead, you're still not as happy, not as happy as you were in those heady, early weeks of the game...not
as happy as you would be if you drank 5 cups of Sim punch right now and simultaneously increased your hunger, fun, and comfort
10. Do you find yourself scanning people on buses...crowds in the square...lines
in the supermarket...to see if there, among them, you might find your special Sim?
GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS -- If you find you are buying more copies of the game and subscriptions
than you can afford and are staying home from work to play
ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS -- If you find you are playing more than two hours a day, or 25
hours a week including weekends, and can't stop, and can't seem to get the high you once had.
ANONYMOUS ANONYMOUS -- If you keep making stealth Sims to track even your stealth Sims
and have forgotten who you are...