THE BIG LIE: Why it's not like they

Khrushchev-era apartments in Moscow go on for blocks...

Drab, identical greening rooms at Shadow Gnomes
REMOTE ROOMIE INVITES. You are on another lot, and someone there starts bashing you with "invite roomie" invitations,
unsolicited. Repeatedly. That's harassment. Or you are at home, and someone sends you an IM and start "remote roomie invite"
from their lot, via IM -- repeatedly. DON'T CLICK YES! If you do, you will lose your lot, and find yourself suddenly
trapped on that persecutor's lot! They can do this over and over again because the game's mechanisms allow them. Report it
to MOMI if that is what you wish to do, it is a form of harassment. My own view is that I don't believe in running to MOMI,
I believe in publicizing nasty methods like this so that people will protect themselves.

HATEFUL LANGUAGE...They use hateful language all the time, swear words and psy war, but if you so much as slip up with
a "hell" or "damn" when they are harassing you, they will immediately petition MOMI to put a flag on your account. You could
do the same to them...but my own preference is to show what nasty things this Rob is prepared to say to me -- although we
have never met. I believe the way to answer an !@#$#@ like this is to be flippant and light and not rise to the bait. He hasn't done this to me since. But he is put on ban and

ASKING FOR YOUR RL NUMBER. There's a basic rule of thumb when you go on the Internet, just like your mother always told
you: DON'T GIVE YOUR YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION!!! Don't give out your telephone number, even when it seems like
someone who is either attacking -- or for that matter befriending -- you "just wants to clarify" something. Don't give out
your work and home e-mails -- start a account if you want to communicate with people outside the game.
