Here we might put a picture from a backyard barbecue. DuHUH, Tripod, we just did that on the previous page...This is about my LIFE, you know...Gayres still hadn't shown up with the simoleons. He'd taken every last item she'd ever had, even her Aunt Sofya's lamps from the old country and those...thingie lamps from the 1960s...It was well past 6:00 p.m. and Single Mom was in a wet, grimy bathing suit, broke, hungry, and just about beaten. |
I should probably stick with the Prine covers. "Make me a poster from an old rodeo..." People just don't UNDERSTAND Joni Mitchell, she's got too many words to fit in all her notes and I know I get pretty screechy up there myself with that Bed's Too W-I-I-I-D...wait a minute..er...I mean "The bed's too big, the frying pan's too W-I-I-D-E on account of she has less bacon to fry after the break-up, you see? Wait, did I get that wrong last night? OK...no distractions. No snorts from the drinks tray. I gotta practice, I gotta live right, I gotta get my demo and my kids back... For my TO-DO LIST: replace titles etched purple from repeated puddles... |
If I get away from that liver-colored crap and start chopping up some fresh greens and some carrots. They tell you always to have three colors on your plate besides brown and white...wait a minute, I think maybe they mean three colors INCLUDING brown and white...let's see I got orange and red and green here. Where is that ding-dang Gayres?! Frazenrac! |
"So I'm getting up my greens and getting my greens up, if you know what I mean, huh Gayres?" Later she would look back at this festive meal fondly as her last special moment with Gayres. Like Gary in 30-Something, he suddenly died after getting stuck on her lawn and starving to death...merely walking by! Boy, did he leave to sorry fellas over at the Gay Frat Boys family where he lived, with nobody to work the loathed army job or clean the shower. He had only come up with part of the dough, BTW. |